European Programme “Power in Youth”

The project Power in YOUth: Enhancing visibility and awareness of disabilities in Cyprus through active youth participation is a dynamic European project implemented by the Cyprus Youth Centres Association and its members with the main objective of informing, educating and raising awareness among young people about sensory and motor disabilities! The programme focuses in particular on young people living and/or working in remote areas with the main objective of informing, educating and raising awareness about sensory and mobility disabilities, providing valuable knowledge and skills.

If you are a young person aged 13 – 30 without a disability, we invite you to participate until 30 May 2024 in the survey which aims to record the positions and perceptions regarding the issue of “Volunteering and Disabilities”!

Through training programmes, workshops and information events, young people are equipped to become pioneers in promoting social solidarity and inclusion.

SUPPORT With the support of the European Union and the support of local organisations such as the Cyprus Confederation of Disabled People’s Organisations (CSOA) and the Pancyprian Organisation of the Deaf, Power in Youth works towards the creation of inclusive societies, where diversity is recognised and valued as a source of enrichment and dynamic interaction.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Program. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2023-1-CY02-KA154-YOU-000140010]