Young Leaders United for Democracy. Visit to Brussels

In the framework of the “Young Leaders United for Democracy” programme, the Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation participated in the visit to Brussels between 03-07 March 2024. The visit to the capital of the European Union aimed to get acquainted with the European Parliament, the House of European History, the Parlamentarium and to exchange views with MEPs and officials of the European Union.

The “Young Leaders United for Democracy” programme, of which our organisation is a key partner, enabled 120 young people aged 12-26 from 8 European countries to participate in online workshops over the last 10 months, which focused on the upcoming European elections, the institutions, the benefits of active citizenship and democratic participation, participation in decision-making processes and misinformation (Fake News).

The participants first attended a series of seminars to develop their knowledge and skills and at the end of the programme they had the opportunity to visit Belgium.

The ultimate goal of all activities was to strengthen young citizens’ participation in public life and in the European decision-making process.