εθελοντικός οργανισμός νεολαίας
της Κύπρου.

Προσφορά για
περισσότερα από 60 χρόνια.

Τμήμα Ευρωπαικών
We are non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit voluntary organisations staffed by and working for young people.
We are the "Youth Clubs".
Each Youth Club is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan voluntary youth organisation created by at least ten young people aged 13-35. This group consists of people regardless of origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic and/or educational background. and usually have a community and/or specific character.
We are members of the Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation.
Are you a young person aged 18-30? Are you interested in civic participation and the well-being of young people? ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation implemented as lead partner the European project Arts for Soft Skills: leveraging the power of interdisciplinary arts to strengthen young people’s soft skills in November 2023 until November 2024. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The “Arts for Soft Skills” campaign aims to raise awareness about the use of arts in the development of soft skills among young people. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The MyComm project held a creative “Makeathon” on June 13, 14 and 15. All consortium partners gathered in Nice, France for a workshop on creative communication solutions. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
Through the ‘Arts for Soft Skills’ project, a useful handbook has been created which brings together the benefits of developing young people’s soft skills through engagement with the arts. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
KOKEN, in the framework of the European project “Power in YOUth”, on 26 and 27 September, made a study trip to Brussels. 6 young people participated in the trip. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The project “Young Leaders United for Democracy” was implemented from 01.11.2022 to 30.09.2024. The project’s aim was to support youth democratic and civic engagement while highlighting the importance of citizen involvement in European decision-making. The project also aimed to raise awareness and empower citizens to make informed choices. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
Ο Κυπριακός Οργανισμός Κέντρων Νεότητας έχει την τιμή και ιδιαίτερη χαρά να υποστηρίζει φέτος ως Πρεσβευτής Νεολαίας το “OPEN HOUSE FESTIVAL 2024”, που διοργανώνεται από τη Στέγη Χορού Λεμεσού. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
THRIVE project concluded In May with the final meeting of the partners, KOKEN and Cinisello di Balsamo, in Milan, Italy, and a final event presenting the results of the project. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The Executive Director of the University of Limassol (UoL), Mrs. Ioanna Panayiotou and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Youth Centres Organisation, Mr. Kyriakos Tsioupanis, on Monday 08 July 2024 signed a Memorandum of Understanding. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The project “Power in YOUth: Enhancing visibility and awareness of disabilities in Cyprus through active youth participation“ is a dynamic European project implemented by the Cyprus Youth Centres Association and its members with the main objective of informing, educating and raising awareness among young people about sensory and motor disabilities! ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The second European solidarity project of the Akrounta Youth Centre Green Paths Akrounta, which was designed and implemented by the volunteers of the Akrounta Youth Club, was successfully completed. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The annual General Assembly of the Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation took place on 21 April 2024, hosted in Skarinou. The General Assembly elected the Board of Directors of KOKEN for the period 2024-2026. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
In the framework of the “Young Leaders United for Democracy” programme, the Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation participated in the visit to Brussels between 03-07 March 2024. The visit to the capital of the European Union aimed to get acquainted with the European Parliament, the House of European History, the Parlamentarium and to exchange views with MEPs and officials of the European Union. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The training programme “Rise Up Volunteers“ took place on 2-3 February at the Forrest Park Hotel in Platres and its main theme was the recruitment and management of volunteers within the Youth Clubs. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The “Accelerate YouthSelf” series of workshops for young people, which aimed to inform and prepare participants for the challenges of the labour market, was a great success. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The “Alcohol Alert” programme was organised in Agros between 13-15 May 2022 by the Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation with the support of the Erasmus+ programme. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The General Assembly of the Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation took place on 10 April 2022. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
ClubThe Annual General Assembly of the Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation took place on 28 April 2023, hosted by the Youth Centre in Skarinou, Cyprus. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation completed the European project “RAY: Resilience and Adaptability in Youth: Raising awareness and developing skills amidst the Covid-19 crisis”, which was implemented from 10 October 2022 to 10 October 2023. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The Youth Clubs and the organised youth groups of the Soleas region, organised the first Soleas Youth Day Festival, a day dedicated to young people. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
KOKEN implemented the inaugural meeting of the Erasmus+ European Programme: ‘Arts and educational tools for soft skills: Discovering the power of interdisciplinary arts to enhance soft skills for young people. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The conference “NextGenFutures: empowering the Young Professionals of Tomorrow” was a unique gathering of innovative creators and entrepreneurs, youth organisations and institutions, as well as young people who excel in their field, to explore together the latest developments and opportunities of the digital era. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The project managers of our organization, Stelios Tzivas, Dimitra Papadopoulou and Marina Kritharidou on 26 & 27 April 2023 participated in the first meeting for the implementation of the European Project “MyCOMM”. Migrant and Refugee Youth Communication and advocacy for equity and inclusion. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The cycle of our organization’s training workshops was completed for the year 2022 with the implementation of the programme “Acquiring skills for youth leadership”, between 17-18 December 2022, with the participation of 30 young people from all over Cyprus. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The main objective of the training programme that took place in Sibenik between 05-08 July 2022 was to train youth workers and empower them with methods and tools that are necessary for the development of digital competences of young people. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
Maria Christoforou and Charalambos Christoforou from the Akrounta Youth Club represented the Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation in the European programme “Study Visit International Countryside” in Finland.Read their experience and find information about the example of the Youth Clubs of Finland! ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The two-day training ”Get your Team Together” took place on 11-12 March at the Lordos Beach Hotel in Larnaca and had as its main theme the management of teams within Youth Clubs. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The Cyprus Youth Clubs Organization (KOKEN) organized the three-day seminar “Mental Health and Youth”, on Youth Mental Health with the support and funding of the Erasmus+ programme. ... Μάθετε περισσότερα
The Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation (KOKEN) is the central coordinating body of youth clubs.
The Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation, KOKEN as it is more commonly known, is the largest non-governmental, non-profit youth organisation (NGO) in Cyprus. It is the central coordinating body of youth centres throughout Cyprus and was founded in 2008, at the time when the need for qualitative upgrading and modernization of the institution of Youth Clubs was identified.
KOKEN is dedicated to the development, coordination and promotion of Youth Clubs. The mission of the organisation focuses on creating a dynamic environment that encourages volunteering, participation, education and social interaction among young people.
The purpose of KOKEN is to provide opportunities and possibilities for education, creating and managing opportunities and developing young people as active citizens. The objectives of KOKEN are the development of active citizenship, the cultivation of social and environmental awareness and the participation of young people in group activities.
KOKEN, in cooperation with governmental bodies, non-governmental organisations, the business community and civil society, designs, develops and promotes the implementation of effective measures to empower young people.
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